Helping you develop your legal project management and legal process improvement capability.
Antony Smith – Director, Legal Project Management Ltd
Even as a young solicitor I gravitated more to organisational improvement rather than direct client work. I have always been fascinated about how the blend of individual skills, process execution and organisational support come together to deliver first class legal services.
Lawyers are clearly being challenged to deliver legal services in new ways. Applying project management and process improvement principles to legal service delivery allows lawyers to meet these challenges.
I have experience in law, project management, process improvement and legal I.T. By putting these together, I help legal teams improve delivery of their legal services.

Creating more effective lawyers and legal teams with project management
The U.K’s largest law firms now employ full-time legal project managers, working alongside their lawyer colleagues. I have for a long time believed that legal project management is applicable to all lawyers and all law firms, not only the very largest. The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) agrees.
In its Statement of Competence for Solicitors, the SRA describes many tasks expected to be performed by all solicitors in terms of project management. For example, the Statement refers to solicitors ‘meeting timescales, resource requirements and budgets’ (for more please see Section D of the Competence Statement). This sounds like a high level definition of ‘a project’ to me.
Developing lawyers’ project management skills is just one aspect of creating an effective project based legal service organisation. I believe all of the following are required:
1. Tools – ranging from document templates to software applications.
2. Methods and Processes – standard matter project plans supported by lower level processes and activities.
3. Skills – of both lawyers and support staff, working together as productive teams.
4. Organisational Project Maturity – to help ensure that the project delivery capability of the firm continues to grow.
The ultimate aim is not to become better at legal project management per se, but for lawyers to become more effective and clients to become happier with the service they receive. Happier clients are more likely to pay their bills quicker, instruct their law firm with more work and provide referrals.
I help lawyers and their colleagues achieve these aims by providing legal project management training, certification and support.
Creating more effective lawyers and legal teams with process improvement
I have worked on various kinds of process improvement projects in law firms since the late 1980’s.
For a long time process improvement activity was considered as something which only firms engaged in ‘high volume, low value’ legal service provision did. This is no longer true, as law firms (and in-house teams) of all shapes and sizes now look to improve their processes.
There is a clear relationship between legal process improvement and legal project management (which I explain further in this blog post).
Experience shows that it can take longer for the benefits of process improvement to be appreciated compared to legal project management. Legal project managers usually have a client facing role and hence a higher profile than legal process improvement professionals. Hence the work of legal project managers can be more readily seen compared to that of legal process improvement professionals.
‘Improving processes’ can sound rather vague. The reality however is that its not just ‘processes’ which are improved. In my experience legal process improvement is in practice all about improving the effectiveness of legal teams.
If you would like to take a process driven approach to improving legal team working, why not consider attending one of my legal process improvement training courses?
My professional journey
I am a solicitor by training, with postgraduate qualifications in law, computing and project management. I am a Legal Project Practitioner (LPP) and a founder member of the International Institute for Legal Project Management (IILPM). I am also qualified in the Prince II project management methodology (practitioner level) and I am a full member of the Association for Project Management (APM) and the Project Management Institute (PMI).
I have a record of successful project delivery in all kinds of legal environments: solicitors firms (Pinsent Masons, Berrymans Lace Mawer), academia (School of Law, King’s College London) and legal software development organisations. I enjoyed working as a Strategic Project Manager at Axxia / LexisNexis for more than 10 years.
Since 2012 I have been an independent consultant, providing project management and process improvement services to law firms. I also write regularly about legal project management. PDFs of some published articles can be downloaded from here, and you can find my blog site’s home page here and subscribe to my blog posts here.
What am I like to work with?
People tend to describe me as being an enthusiastic, honest, hardworking individual with a sense of humour. I come from Liverpool originally which may help explain the latter. I am an objective and considered thinker, with a preference for basing decisions on facts followed by thoughtful analysis. My default mode is to turn initiatives into plans with objectives, and this is perhaps why I have also been called a ‘completion expert’. I have over 35 years experience of working in the legal services market and I understand what it takes for individuals and organisations to succeed in that market.
This understanding underpins my legal project management training. My training reflects the need for effective delivery of legal services, as practised in the real world by solicitors, barristers, in-house lawyers, government lawyers, cost lawyers, professional support lawyers, paralegals and business development staff. I really enjoy running legal project management training courses and feedback from students shows they enjoy it too. My courses are comprehensive, intensive and at times challenging. They are great learning experiences and we all enjoy a few laughs along the way.
Legal Project Management Training and Certification Courses 2025
Courses open to public subscription
You can sign up and pay for the courses listed below. Payment is via Paypal, which is safe and secure.
£1300 for the three day Legal Project Practitioner (LPP) course.
£850 for the two day Legal Project Associate (LPA) course.
The price includes the IILPM certification fee, pre-course material and hard copy notes.
If you prefer to pay by bank transfer please let me know and I will invoice you.
If you are self funding and may find payments by instalments helpful, please let me know and I am sure we can agree on a payment schedule which suits you.
Legal Project Management Training and Certification 11th, 18th & 25th March 2025
This course will be delivered live, via zoom, one day each week: Tuesday 11th, Tuesday 18th & Tuesday 25th March 2025.
Legal Project Management Training and Certification 14th, 15th & 16th May 2025
This course will be delivered live via Zoom on consecutive days: Wednesday 14th May, Thursday 15th May and Friday 16th May 2025.
Legal Project Management Training and Certification 24th, 25th & 26th September 2025
This course will run on Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25th and Friday 26th September.
It will be a live, in-person course held at ETC's venue in Chancery Lane - the heart of old legal London, close to the Inns of Court and the Royal Courts of Justice.
This is an exceptional training venue and I am looking forward to returning once again. I do hope you can join me.
Venue address: 50-52 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HL.
Please note the price for the live face to face course is slightly different to that of the zoom based courses:
Legal Project Practitioner Course and Certification (three days) - £1375.00
Legal Project Associate Course and Certification (two days) - £900.00
Cancellation Policy
Please also note my cancellation policy for 2025 courses especially the provisions relating to the live course in Chancery Lane. The cancellation policy is here.
Legal Process Improvement Training and Certification Courses open to public subscription.
The Legal Process Improvement Professional (LPIP) certification course runs for two days.
This course is taught online using Zoom and Miro.
The price for the course is £850.
You can choose a course below and pay online via Paypal, which is safe and secure.
If you prefer to pay by bank transfer please let me know and I will invoice you.
Also if you are self-funding and find payment by instalments helpful, please contact me to arrange a payment schedule.
Legal Process Improvement Training and Certification Course April 24th & 25th 2025
How Can I Help You?
If You Would Like To Discuss Any Aspect of Legal Project Management or Legal Process Improvement – Please Contact Me.