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I provide legal project management training and certification courses, as approved by the International Institute of Legal Project Management (IILPM).

After a working lifetime spent in the legal services industry, I started training legal project management in 2012, setting up Legal Project Management Limited.  A founder member of the IILPM, since 2017 I have been delivering IILPM legal project management training and certification courses with great success.  The IILPM now has certified graduates in over 50 countries (and counting).

I was a ‘hands-on’ practitioner (solicitor, legal project manager, legal software developer and legal product manager).  Now I enjoy imparting my knowledge, experience and enthusiasm about legal project management to others.  It is a privilege to help develop legal service team effectiveness and individual careers by the application of legal project management skills.

Legal Project Management Training and Certification Courses

The International Institute of Legal Project Management (IILPM) awards legal project management certifications which are:

  • Recognsied internationally.
  • Based on a clear understanding of the competencies required to help deliver and lead legal services effectively, as expressed in the IILPM’s Legal Project Management Competency Framework.
  • Aligned with leading project management methods and standards, such as those of the Association for Project Management (APM) and the Project Management Institute (PMI).
  • Aligned with project management requirements set by legal service industry regulators, such as the Solicitors Regulation Authority in respect of solicitors practising in England and Wales (Section D, Solicitors Competency Statement).

Only Accredited Training Providers (ATPs) are authorised by the IILPM to deliver courses leading to IILPM certifications.

Legal Project Management Ltd is the only ATP recognised by the IILPM to deliver courses in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

The two legal project management certifications awarded by the IILPM are: Legal Project AssociateTM and Legal Project PractitionerTM.

Legal Project AssociateTM

The award of Legal Project AssociateTM recognises the award holder as having sufficient knowledge in legal project management such that they are able to support legal matters and / or work in legal service teams effectively.

To be eligible for the award candidates must have attended a legal project management training course recognised by the IILPM with the course duration being of at least 14 hours (two working days) in total.

Successful candidates will be entered on a database of award holders maintained by the IILPM and receive a certificate confirming their status as a Legal Project AssociateTM.


Legal Project PractitionerTM

The award of Legal Project PractitionerTM recognises the award holder as having sufficient knowledge in legal project management that they are able to lead legal project teams and assume responsibility for the operational delivery of legal services to clients by applying legal project management effectively in practice.

To be eligible for the award candidates must have attended a legal project management training course recognised by the IILPM with the course duration being of at least 21 hours (three working days) in total.

In addition, candidates must also be either:

  • A practising lawyer or
  • Someone who has worked as part of a legal service delivery team for at least a year or
  • Someone who has provided consultancy services to the legal services industry for a least a year.

Successful candidates will be entered on a database of award holders maintained by the IILPM and receive a certificate confirming their status as a Legal Project PractitionerTM.

What You Will Learn During My Legal Project Management Training and Certification Courses

Some topics covered include:

  • The development of legal project management and likely continued development in future
  • The IILPM’s 4-Phase Legal Project Management Framework
  • Applying my 12 step process for defining legal matters properly
  • Applying my 9 step process for planning legal matters properly
  • Understanding 4 key elements of successful matter delivery
  • How to close matters properly
  • How to recover failing projects
  • How to apply Agile project techniques to legal matter management
  • How to manage legal process improvement projects properly
  • How to implement legal project management successfully.

And so much more.  For a fuller listing please download the course prospectus.

What You Will Take Away From My Legal Project Management Training and Certification Courses


Knowledge and Skills.

  • Course notes (sent to you by post if doing an online course).
  • IILPM Templates (both hard copy and electronic versions).
  • Post-Course Follow-up:
    • Up to three hours free -post course consultancy and advice for when you are ready to apply legal project management to your work
    • Invitation to online meetings of all my course alumni – a great way to keep in touch and continue to exchange the latest trends and developments in legal project management.
  • Practical understanding about how to apply project management techniques to legal matters.
  • Hear how course Alumni have applied the skills they learned on the course to their work.
  • Find out what the very best project managers do (derived from validated field research) and how you can do the same.
  • Become confident about applying project management to legal services, from immediate matter delivery to helping drive forward longer term process improvement initiatives.

A Practical Approach to Legal Project Management Training

All of my certification courses are taught against the backdrop of realistic legal and commercial scenarios.  The whole point of the courses are to show how project management techniques can be applied to legal matters and, as a former practising solicitor, I walk you through this every step of the way.

I do not delve into legal and procedural detail, but I do show what happens when project management concepts and techniques meet legal concepts, procedures and legal service industry culture.

My courses also have quite a lot of workshops and exercises for you to do – legal project management is a ‘hands-on’ discipline and you will soon get a feel for what its like with guided practice in a supportive training environment.

The workshops and exercises also allow you to get to know your fellow students and exchange ideas about how to apply legal project management in practice.  A practical course lasting several days is a great networking opportunity.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone and everyone wanting to improve their legal project management knowledge and skills benefits from attending my courses.

Previous course attendees have included

  • Solicitors
  • Barristers
  • Professional Support Lawyers
  • Costs Lawyers
  • Law Firm Business Development Staff
  • Professional Project Managers (wanting to enter into the legal services industry)
  • Legal Service Industry Consultants

And many more…

Legal Project Management Training and Certification Courses 2025

Courses open to public subscription

You can sign up and pay for the courses listed below.  Payment is via Paypal, which is safe and secure.


£1300 for the three day Legal Project Practitioner (LPP) course.

£850 for the two day Legal Project Associate (LPA) course.

The price includes the IILPM certification fee, pre-course material and hard copy notes.

If you prefer to pay by bank transfer please let me know and I will invoice you.

If you are self funding and may find payments by instalments helpful, please let me know and I am sure we can agree on a payment schedule which suits you.

Legal Project Management Training and Certification 11th, 18th & 25th March 2025

This course will be delivered live, via zoom, one day each week: Tuesday 11th, Tuesday 18th & Tuesday 25th March 2025.

Legal Project Management Training March 11, 18 & 25 20251300.00 GBPLegal Project Practitioner Certification
Legal Project Management Training March 11 & 18, 2025850.00 GBPLegal Project Associate Certification
Your eTicket will be emailed after payment to your PayPal email address.

Legal Project Management Training and Certification 14th, 15th & 16th May 2025

This course will be delivered live via Zoom on consecutive days: Wednesday 14th May, Thursday 15th May and Friday 16th May 2025.

Legal Project Management Training May 14, 15 & 16, 20251300.00 GBPLegal Project Practitioner Certification
Legal Project Management Training May 14 & 15, 2025850.00 GBPLegal Project Associate Certification
Your eTicket will be emailed after payment to your PayPal email address.

Legal Project Management Training and Certification 24th, 25th & 26th September 2025

This course will run on Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25th and Friday 26th September.

It will be a live, in-person course held at ETC's venue in Chancery Lane - the heart of old legal London, close to the Inns of Court and the Royal Courts of Justice.

This is an exceptional training venue and I am looking forward to returning once again. I do hope you can join me.

Venue address: 50-52 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HL.

Please note the price for the live face to face course is slightly different to that of the zoom based courses:

Legal Project Practitioner Course and Certification (three days) - £1375.00

Legal Project Associate Course and Certification (two days) - £900.00

Legal Project Management Training September 24, 25 & 26, 20251375.00 GBPLegal Project Practitioner Certification
Legal Project Management Training September 24 & 25, 2025900.00 GBPLegal Project Associate Certification
Your eTicket will be emailed after payment to your PayPal email address.

Cancellation Policy

Please also note my cancellation policy for 2025 courses especially the provisions relating to the live course in Chancery Lane.  The cancellation policy is here.

Would you like any further information? Please contact me now!

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