What Kind of Training Would Suit You Best?
I run public legal project management training courses open to individual subscription and I also provide private legal project management training to law firms and other legal service organisations.
Feedback from my course attendees shows that my courses are informative and enjoyable. Average feedback scores across all course units is 4.5 where 1 = poor and 5 = excellent. I review all feedback and constantly update my courses in light of it.
All my training courses have been verified and accredited by the International Institute of Legal Project Management (IILPM), which means that everyone who completes my two and three day certification courses becomes eligible for IILPM certification in Legal Project Management.
Public Training Courses
I regularly deliver 3 day legal project management training courses which are open to individual subscription.
The purpose of the courses is to show how project management techniques can be best applied in the context of legal service delivery.
After attending all three days of my course you become certified and registered as a Legal Project PractitionerTM with the International Institute of Legal Project Management (IILPM) provided you meet the LPP prerequisite of having worked in the legal services industry for at least one year. Alternatively, if you are relatively new to the legal services industry you can become a certified Legal Project AssociateTM after attending two days of training.
Legal Project Management Training for Teams
Some teams like to do the two or three day certification courses, while others prefer shorter courses.
Most of my team based legal project management training since Covid-19 has been delivered live on-site at the team location (although I also deliver team based training via Zoom if desired).
An illustrative list of some of the team based training I have delivered is below.
- Short Introductory Courses for Partners and Senior Managers in Law Firms
- Half Day Courses for Practising Solicitors
- Short Courses for Lawyer Cohorts (such as Potential Partners)
- Courses for In-House Legal Teams.
All of the courses referred to above are baseline starting points, as I tend to customise the courses for particular cohorts.
What Some Of My Trainees Say
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